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- Select information, scale and provide, compose..
- Chiaroscuro, textures, depth management..
- Human and animal figure.
- Basic and advanced perspective.
- Tools and techniques, and their use.
- Study of Color, recreate textures
- Composition and depth
- Start, develop and finish your jobs..
- Illustration of Children’s Tales, Fashion and Fashion Fashion, press…
- Fundamentals of illustration and how to apply it to your projects.
- Use of the most common tools and the least!
- Choose this course to carry out your projects.

It can be done with watercolor, ink, walnut, ecolina etc …
This technique gives to the drawing great luminous and chromatic qualities.
The ballpoint pen is considered a fat technique, it comes to replace the nib as a writing tool. It has come to be used in the plastic arts for notes, sketches, and as a tool for professional work.
The charcoal allows the realization of a wide range of tones that range from the most subtle grays to the deepest blacks. Its dust is very unstable; This represents a great quality, it is very easy to manipulate and allows the realization of tonal gradients with a simple rubbing of the finger, cloth or blur.
Chalk is considered a dry technique, more drawing than pictorial. Although it is not monochrome, it uses a range of colors that are similar to each other. The technique includes the use of “hard pastel” type square section bars (Comté and Faber-Castell bars), pencils and leads of various mineral pigments, which, depending on their hue, are called sanguine, sepia and chalk.
When we draw with a pencil on a paper, what is happening is that the paper scratches the pencil, causing it to wear and leave small pieces stuck in the roughness of the paper. If it is too smooth then it does not paint or it paints very little. As if we try to draw on glass.
Los pasteles son pigmentos en polvo mezclados con la suficiente goma o resina para aglutinarlos formando una pasta seca y compacta, la palabra pastel deriva de la pasta que así se forma, esta pasta se moldea en la forma de una barrita del tamaño de un dedo que se usa directamente sobre la superficie a trabajar (generalmente papel o madera). Son colores fuertes y opacos cuya mayor dificultad es la adhesión del pigmento a la superficie a pintar, por ello suelen usarse al finalizar el dibujo fijadores atomizados (spray) especiales.
The marker technique is the most modern of techniques. Its simplicity and showiness allows very expressive works.
When different techniques are used in the same support. It would be convenient to distinguish between “Pictorial Procedure” and “Pictorial Technique.” Pictorial procedure, the union of the elements that constitute the binder or adhesive, and the pigments. The way to apply this pictorial procedure is called “pictorial technique.”
Also called India ink, is generally liquid although it can also be a very solid stick that must be ground and diluted for use. It is used on paper and the most used ink colors are black and sepia, although many others are currently used.

Acrylic paint is a water-soluble acrylic resin mixed with pigments, it can be used on any type of support. It is perfect for working fast!
Watercolor is a colored medium diluted in water, which produces a transparent and soft-colored paint. We use it for everything !! from illustrations of all kinds to the most rigorous work!
Gouache is also called “the color with body”. It is an opaque water-based paint made with ground pigment less fine than watercolors.
Oil is a paint with an oily consistency, correction capacity and the quality of the finishes, since its oily consistency provides a rich color nuance, gives body to each brushstroke, keeping the texture of the line unaltered until it dries. It is precisely the versatility of oil painting that makes its manipulation more complicated than other techniques. Master Technique that makes us fall in love !!
Are powdered pigments mixed with gum or resin. They are strong and opaque colors whose greatest difficulty is the adhesion of the pigment to the surface to be painted. For beginners or professionals!
When different techniques are used in the same support. The collage becomes a mixed technique when it has interventions with gouache, oil or ink. It would be convenient to distinguish between “Pictorial Procedure” and “Pictorial Technique.” By pictorial procedure is understood as the union of the elements that constitute the binder or adhesive, and the pigments. The way to apply this pictorial procedure is called “pictorial technique.” It is often a fun job!